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VA Illiana Accepts Medal of Honor Plaque


December 20, 2021

Danville , IL — VA Illiana Health Care System leadership accepted a plaque honoring military veterans who have received the Medal of Honor. The plaque was donated by the McLean County Memorial AMVETS Post 270 and presented at the VA community-based outpatient clinic on December 17, 2021.

“There are several people from central Illinois who have received the Medal of Honor. We wanted a way to acknowledge them and recognize their unique service,” said Art Rodriquez, AMVETS district IV commander.

The plaque will be displayed in the Bloomington CBOC.

“We are grateful for this generous contribution from AMVETS to the VA Illiana health care system. It is a wonderful way to honor all of those from our communities who have received the Medal of Honor,” said Dr. Staci Williams, medical center director.

Visit VA Illiana Health Care | Veterans Affairs for more information about VA health care.

Media contacts

Steven Miller, Public Affairs Officer

