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Research and new space on display at VA


May 29, 2024

Minneapolis , MN — In time for Research Week, Minneapolis VA Health Care System celebrates the grand opening of a new Clinical Research Wing on May 30 at the Minneapolis VA Medical Center.

“The new space will provide a central location to conduct research consultations with Veterans who participate in many of our studies,” said Joshua Nixon, Deputy Associate Chief of Staff of Research, Minneapolis VA Health Care System.

Minneapolis hosts one of the largest and most active research programs in the VA health care system. There are currently over 150 investigators conducting more than 500 research projects, with funding from the NIH, VA, foundations and industry. The research program is affiliated with the University of Minnesota.

Research Week is an annual opportunity to recognize VA researchers and their contribution to scientific studies and clinical trials that benefit Veterans as well as our entire community. The Minneapolis VA Research program includes the Center for Care Delivery and Outcomes Research (CCDOR), the Rehabilitation & Engineering Center for Optimizing Veteran Engagement and Reintegration (RECOVER), the Geriatric Research Education and Clinical Center (GRECC), and the Brain Sciences Center.  

Public are welcome to get a glimpse of the research that is currently underway in the Minneapolis VA Health Care System during a Research Fair from 2:00-4:00 p.m.  on May 30, in 2P Education conference rooms at the Minneapolis VA Medical Center.   

Media contacts

Melanie Nelson, Public Affairs Officer

