Current residents
VA North Texas Health Care System offers both postgraduate year one (PGY1) general pharmacy practice and postgraduate year two (PGY2) mental health and ambulatory care pharmacy residencies.

VA North Texas has a rich tradition of supporting residency programs with over 180 residency graduates across all our programs.
VA North Texas HCS has offered a PGY1 pharmacy residency since 1996. Our program offers a diverse range of learning experiences to prepare the resident for additional PGY2 residency training or entry level clinical practice positions. The program offers a wide range of rotation experiences to develop the resident into a well-rounded, patient centered pharmacy clinician. The program is tailored to the individual needs of each resident with an emphasis on personal, professional, and leadership development.
We also offer a PGY2 pharmacy residency in Ambulatory Care and in Psychiatric Pharmacy. These programs have been in place since 2006 and 2014, respectively. Residents who complete PGY2 training in either program are prepared to enter advanced clinical practice positions.
Our dedicated residency program directors, residency coordinators, and residency preceptors are dedicated and invested in providing mentorship and training for didactic and personal development of residents.
Our residents are also afforded the opportunity to complete a clinician-educator residency teaching certificate program through a partnership with Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (TTUHSC). The major goal of the training program is to supplement a strong clinical background with the skills needed to become a successful educator. The program includes didactic and web-based teaching models, mentored facilitator training for small group problem-based learning, and precepting of third and/or fourth-year Doctor of Pharmacy students. Residents also receive instruction in statistical analysis, and clinical trial design; submit a project proposal to the institutional review board; and collect, interpret, and submit their results for publication. Additional activities are provided to enhance discovery, integration, and writing skills.
Candidates will be ranked, and positions filled by submission through National Matching Service (NMS). NMS codes are as follows: PGY1 Pharmacy (182313); PGY2 Ambulatory Care Pharmacy (581965); PGY2 Psychiatric Pharmacy (688866).
For additional information about our residency programs, please view the additional links below and/or contact us at
PGY1 pharmacy residents:

PGY2 ambulatory care pharmacy residents:

PGY2 psychiatric pharmacy residents: