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New Year, New You Challenge

Megan French stands next to a digital scale
Megan French, a dynamic Pathways Program student at VA Northeast Ohio Health System, brings her academic prowess and passion for health promotion to the forefront as the New Year New Me competition coordinator.

VA Northeast Ohio Health System's Personnel and Employee Whole Health is hosting a New Year, New You weight loss challenge. Open to all employees, the 12-week competition includes three crucial weigh-ins at the challenge's beginning, middle, and end.

Coordinating this venture is Megan French, a dynamic Pathways Program student pursuing a Master of Science in Clinical Epidemiology at Kent State University. French, who specializes in data analytics, brings her academic prowess and passion for health promotion and disease prevention to the forefront of this competition.


"My mentor and I discussed past competitions and how much people enjoyed them," said French. " We knew it would be great to reintroduce the event for the new year."


French shared her vision for the weight loss challenge and its impact on fostering a culture of health among employees while underlining the collaborative spirit that fuels the initiative.


"It allows everyone to get together and motivate each other, push their boundaries a little bit, but also they're going to be judged as a team," she explained, emphasizing the importance of teamwork in achieving success.


To ensure fairness, French has devised an equation that considers individual starting weights, leveling the playing field for all participants. Her innovative approach allows participants to form teams of up to five individuals for accountability and to create a support system that encourages motivation and shared goals. 


"Translating these habits into the workplace allows for more productivity and fuels that fulfillment in life," French passionately conveyed, drawing from her experiences in Division I sports. “Playing to your strengths and doing what is most sustainable for you can become a lifelong habit." 


As the New Year, New You weight loss challenge unfolds, VANEOHS Personnel and Employee Whole Health offices stand at the helm as passionate advocates for employee well-being. Their dedication to creating a supportive, fair, and transformative experience sets the stage for a healthier, more vibrant workplace culture.

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