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Need care for minor illnesses or injuries? Walk-in today for same-day services!

Location: Lake Baldwin VA Clinic | Hours: 8:00a.m. - 4:30 p.m.|  Call 407-646-5100 for questions. More information here: Urgent Care | VA Orlando Health Care | Veterans Affairs

Your health is our priority—visit us now!

Operating status

VA Orlando health care facility operating statuses and emergency information.

Facility operating statuses

Normal services and hours
Normal services and hours
Normal services and hours
Normal services and hours
Normal services and hours
Normal services and hours
Facility Closed
Does not exist.
Normal services and hours
Normal services and hours
Normal services and hours
Normal services and hours
Normal services and hours

Emergency information

Patient resources

Emergency: 911

Veterans crisis line: 988, select 1

24-hour nurse:

Change your appointment: or

Media inquiries:

National Veterans helpline:

Pharmacy refill:

Telephone care: