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Cancer Care - Support Services

At VA Portland, we provide many support services to help you understand your diagnosis, make informed choices about your treatment options, and identify your goals of care to create a personal care plan that will promote the best possible outcomes.

Cancer Care Navigation Team

Our Cancer Care Navigation Team (CCNT) provides support for Veterans with cancer and their loved ones. Our team can help answer any questions you may have throughout your cancer journey. We can connect you with both VA and community resources, coordinate timely care, and provide emotional support.

To speak with a member of our Cancer Care Navigation Team, please call:  503-220-8262, ext. 51753

Cancer Rehabilitation Services

The effects of cancer and related treatment can lead to many changes in your body. Some of these interventions may cause new symptoms that change how you move, function, and ultimately care for yourself. Specialized therapies are available for Veterans with cancer to address these changes. Therapeutic intervention can be aimed at returning function, maximizing quality of life, engaging in daily activity, and promoting whole-person wellness. Each Veteran’s cancer related rehabilitation requires an individualized approach tailored to work towards their needs.

For more information, please call Physical/Occupational Therapy: 503-273-5018


Chaplains are clinically trained caregivers who may assist you in the journey into your spiritual life. A sense of meaning and purpose, a connection with one’s community can help you to have a better quality of life during your illness and care. Reflective conversations are frequently a great place to start the process of spiritual practice. Chaplains are available 24 hour a day, 7 days a week to provide care.

If you wish to speak with a chaplain, please call: 503-220-8262, ext. 57090

Nutrition Services

Cancer treatment may affect your appetite or change the way food tastes or smells. It is important to eat a healthy diet to maintain your weight during your cancer treatment. Eating enough of the right kinds of foods can be tough when you do not feel like eating at all. A cancer dietitian is available to give you individual counseling about ways to maximize your nutrition throughout your cancer treatment.

To make an appointment with a dietitian, please call nutrition scheduling: 503-273-5112

Oncology Social Workers

Oncology Social Workers are an important part of our care team and are available to assist you and your family at every stage of care. Our social workers can provide emotional support and help you find resources to help you cope with a cancer diagnosis. They can also help you communicate with family members, friends, employers and members of your health care team. Social workers can help connect you with support groups. Our social workers are located on site and are available by phone to help.

If you wish to speak with an Oncology Social Worker, please call: 503-220-8262, ext. 51753

Support Groups

Cancer Support Groups offer practical information and emotional support, they are available for you during and after cancer treatment. There are also support groups for your family and caregivers. Cancer Support Groups are available at our community partners throughout Oregon and Washington. 

Please call a Portland VA Oncology Social Worker to find a cancer support group in your area: 503-220-8262, ext. 51753

Please contact VA Portland Caregiver Support Program  to learn more about caregiver assistance and support groups available through the VA at 503-273-5210, or by visiting this link

Tobacco Cessation

We understand that quitting cigarette smoking is difficult, but quitting is the best way to improve your health. The VA has many resources to help you. When you want help, let your primary care provider know. 

You can also call 1-855-784-8838 (1-855-QUIT-VET) or visit the VA Tobacco and Health website.

Travel and Lodging

There are a number of options that may be available to meet your travel needs, both near and far. Additionally, if you are traveling from long distances to the Portland VA for your care, lodging may be available for you and your loved ones. Please contact your care team for more information as there are specific criteria that applies for the travel and lodging options. A couple of lodging options are listed below:

The Lodge

The Lodge is located in Building 18 on the Vancouver Campus, for Veterans receiving extended cancer care and treatment at the VA medical center. The lodge provides individual rooms with two hospital beds and brings some comforts of home including shared kitchens, TV rooms, laundry facilities, and outdoor seating areas.

Visit Building 18 The Lodge website

Fisher House

The Fisher House is located on the Vancouver Campus and provides a comforting, first-class “home away from home” for families while loved ones receive care at the VA medical center. Veterans may be able to stay with a caregiver at the Fisher House during their appointments for brief cancer care and treatment.

Visit the Fisher House website

For directions and a map of lodging options located on the Vancouver Campus, click here.