Active Movement Class Schedule
This web page has the current, detailed schedule for VA Portland Active Movement classes.
Face to Face Active Movement Classes
Please be aware that if you "drop in" to a class there may not be room to facilitate. Please call the scheduling line to ensure we have space for the class you would like to take.
Classes take place in
& 1200 (P) Tai Chi 0800
Yoga 1030 (W)
Tai Chi 1430 (H) Yoga 0900
& 1300 (V)
OG 1100 (V) OG 1300
OG 1400 (V) OG 1300
OG 1400 (V)
*** OG = OPEN GYM ***
VA Portland Health Care System offers a variety of classes at different times.
Below is a list of current times.
Sign up for classes by calling 503-273-5114.
All other class details are located on the Active Movement Classes web page.
Virtual Active Movement Classes
1700 0800
1430 1000
1330 0800
0900 0900
1430 1030
1100 1030
1430 1100
1430 0900
1300 0830
1500 0900
1000 0930
1100 1000
1300 1100
VA Portland Health Care System offers a variety of classes at different times.
Sign up for classes by calling 503-273-5114.
All other class details are located on the Active Movement Classes web page.