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Healthcare Foodservice Workers Light up the Kitchen

Food service workers
Nutrition and Food Services at TVHS has 66 foodservice employees preparing, ordering, and delivering meals to hundreds on Veterans residing and receiving inpatient treatment at the Nashville and Alvin C. York VA Medical Centers.

Oct. 1 - 7 is designated as National Healthcare Foodservice Worker Week. Official recognition started in 1989 by Congress to honor the foodservice professionals who help patients stay well-nourished and healthy.

Nutrition and Food Services at VA Tennessee Valley Healthcare System (TVHS) has 66 full- and part-time foodservice employees across the Nashville and Alvin C. York VA Medical Centers and is actively recruiting for additional staff. These employees are a critical part of day-to-day operations. Not only do they order, prepare, and deliver meals to the Veterans, they also are responsible for maintaining high standards related to safety, sanitation, and infection control.

By the end of June 2023, 341,748 meals and nourishments were prepared by TVHS foodservice staff. This is an increase of 94,100 compared to this time last year.

"Foodservice workers work under than less than desirable conditions," Cornelia Brown, chief of nutrition and food services stated. "Some come in as early as 4 a.m. to open the kitchen and are on their feet most of the day. The food carts that are used to deliver food weigh over 250 pounds and are individually pushed to each patient unit and Community Living Center."

Being a foodservice worker can be mentally and physically demanding Brown shared. The foodservice team works every single day in the year regardless of the weather and holidays.

"Kitchens and dish rooms are noisy and often have wet floors. The team goes in and out of freezers and coolers daily and is exposed to temperature extremes," she said.

TVHS foodservice staff is extremely dedicated to the organization and the Veterans who entrust their care. When you see a foodservice worker this week, please thank them for their time and dedication.

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