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McAllen VA Mobile Clinic

Services provided will be scheduled routine Primary Care, Women's health, limited mental health, laboratory, and Audiology services. While most of our Primary Care will be by appointment, occasional walk-ins available.

Location and contact information


901 East Hackberry Avenue
McAllen, TX 78501-6502

Phone numbers

Main phone:
VA health connect:
Mental health care:

Facility hours

Hours may vary for different services. Select a service on this page to check the hours.

  • Mon: 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
  • Tue: 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
  • Wed: 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
  • Thu: 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
  • Fri: Closed
  • Sat: Closed
  • Sun: Closed
McAllen VA Mobile Clinic, formerly VA Texas Valley Coastal Bend HCS Mobile Medical Unit

Prepare for your visit

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The VA Texas Valley Coastal Bend Health Care System (VATVCBHCS) is proud to introduce the VA Mobile Medical Unit (MMU) to service the Rio Grande Valley and Corpus-Christi Laredo Area. The MMU will visit the following locations: Kingsville, Rockport, Alice, Carrizo Springs, Falfurrias, Port Isabel, Zapata, and Rio Grande City.

Q1.  What services are offered on the MMU?

Services are scheduled routine Primary Care, Women's health, limited mental health, laboratory, and Audiology services. While most of our Primary Care will be by appointment, we will offer occasional walk-in availability. The clinic will not have pharmacy or radiology services on board. Patients with urgent healthcare needs should call or visit the nearest VA-staff clinic, urgent care clinic, or emergency department. Veterans must use an in-network urgent care provider and be eligible to utilize VA's urgent care benefit. If seeking emergency medical care at an emergency department, Veterans, or someone acting on behalf of the Veteran, must report emergency care to VA within 72 hours of the start of the emergency treatment.

Q2.  What days will the MMU visit my city?

We will visit your city every week on a recurring basis (see attached clinic schedule for specific days):

Corpus Christi MMU:

  • Monday – Rockport
  • Tuesday – Kingsville
  • Wednesday – Alice
  • Thursday – Carrizo Springs

McAllen MMU

  • Monday – Port Isabel
  • Tuesday – Falfurrias
  • Wednesday – Rio Grande City
  • Thursday – Zapata

Q3.  Where will the VA park the MMU?


Carl Morrison Post 363

1701 S. Church St.

Rockport, TX 78382


American Legion - Ernest L. Anderson Post 99

2502 East Kenedy Drive

Kingsville, TX 78363


Mi Casa Home Health Agency

701 N Texas b

Alice, TX 78332

Carrizo springs

Carrizo Springs Civic Center

405 N. 7th St

Carrizo Springs, TX 78834

Port Isabel

Port Isabel Event & Cultural Center

309 E. Railroad Ave.

Port Isabel, TX 78578


The Ed Rachal Memorial Library

203 S. Calito Mora Ave.

Falfurrias, TX 78355

Rio Grande City

Starr County Courthouse Annex

100 N. FM 3167

Rio Grande City, TX 78582


Zapata County Community Center

605 N. US Hwy 83

Zapata, TX 78076

Q4.  How will I know if I’m eligible to be seen on the MMU?

If you are a VATVCBHCS enrolled Veteran who lives in a city listed above or surrounding areas, then you can be seen on the MMU.

Q5.  What if I am not enrolled? 

We will have staff on board the MMUs to assist with enrollment into VA healthcare. You can also visit local Veterans Service Officer for an enrollment application, or you can call HEC Registration at 1- and if you care near one of our VA-staffed outpatient clinics, you can stop by and fill out an application. Remember, you will need your DD Form 214 to enroll in VA healthcare. Once registered, we will assign you to the closest VA-staffed outpatient clinic and schedule you into the MMU clinic nearest you. 

Q6.  If I am already enrolled in Primary Care at a VA-staffed outpatient clinic, will my assigned Primary Care Provider (PCP) and VA-staffed outpatient clinic change?

No, you can remain with your assigned PCP and VA-staffed outpatient clinic; however, you can choose to be re-assigned to a new PCP on the MMU.

Q7.  Will I see my assigned PCP on the MMU? 

Yes, you will see a certified Physician’s Assistant (PA) or Nurse Practitioner (NP) that has direct access to your computerized medical record.

Q8.  Can the PCP on the MMU renew my medication, and what happens if I need urgent medications?    

Yes, the PCP can renew your medications and you will continue to receive those medications through VA Pharmacies or VA Mail Order Pharmacies. Acute medications will be provided by contract pharmacies in the MMU cities via a voucher. 

Q9.  Can I get my blood drawn on the Mobile Medical Unit?

Yes, basic lab and urinalysis will be done on the MMU.

Q10.  If I’m in the area, can I just walk-in?

Services are for scheduled routine Primary Care with occasional walk-in availability. Efforts will be made to accommodate walk-ins based upon availability. Patients with urgent healthcare needs should call or travel to the nearest VA-staff clinic or urgent care clinic. 

Q11.  What if I have an emergency? 

The MMUs are not intended for emergency treatment. If you have a medical emergency, call 911 or go to your nearest emergency room at your expense, unless you are eligible for private care at VA expense: , 

Q12.  Who will schedule my appointment, and will I receive an appointment letter? 

All MMU appointments will be scheduled by staff assigned to the MMUs. You will receive a letter regarding your appointment. 

Q13.  What number do I call if I want to cancel or reschedule my appointment? 

To cancel or reschedule appointments, call 1-855-864-0516. We ask that the moment you know you need to cancel or reschedule, please notify us so that we can schedule another Veteran.  

Cost: Free

Wheelchair availability: Wheelchairs are available upon arrival for patients who need them to access the building.

Van services for Veterans

DAV vans

Hours: Individual van schedules vary

We work with Disabled American Veterans and county Veterans Affairs directors to provide transportation for Veterans and authorized caregivers to get to scheduled medical appointments.

Non-DAV van services

Many localities in the region provide other van services to Veterans.

Learn more about DAV and the other van services available in your county

Shuttle service at 

Coming soon!

Local transportation services
Coming soon!

Other services

Coming soon!

Beneficiary travel

Beneficiary travel benefits include round-trip transportation from your home to the medical center, mileage reimbursement, or special mode transport. 

Find out if you qualify for beneficiary travel benefits

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