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2023 Stand Down for Homeless Veterans

Veteran looking thru clothing donations at Tuscaloosa VA Stand Down for Homeless Veterans

STAND DOWN 2023 Tuscaloosa Alabama



Building 39

3701 Loop Road East

Tuscaloosa, AL



Tuscaloosa VA Medical Center will hold a Stand Down for Homeless Veterans on campus  May 5th, 2023, from 9am to 11am.  Stand Down helps provide clothing for Veterans in need, hygiene items, and information for housing.    

The Stand Down will be located at Building 39 towards the back of campus.

Directions:  Enter thru the facility's main gate, take the first left and follow the road to the stop sign, take a right at the stop sign and follow the road past the Chapel, the event will then be on your right and parking on the left.  

The term “stand down” is a military term used often with the Vietnam War, where troops got the opportunity to Stand Down from combat operations and take care of personal hygiene, get clean uniforms, enjoy warm meals, receive medical and dental care, mail and receive letters, and enjoy the camaraderie of friends in a safe environment.

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