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Longest-tenured volunteer reminisces as Grand Junction VAMC celebrates 75th year

Two images of same elderly woman. Left: She pushes a man in a wheelchair. Right: She cleans Bingo cards with a wipe.
At age 90, Laura Mockler reigns as Grand Junction VA's longest-tenured volunteer, with 52 years of service to Veterans.
By April Love, VISN 19 writer-editor

Laura Mockler began volunteering at Grand Junction VA Medical Center (VAMC) in 1970, when she was 37. Today, this 90-year-old holds the honor of being the longest-tenured volunteer for VA Western Colorado Health Care System.

A half-century of personal service
In May 2024, Grand Junction VAMC celebrates its diamond anniversary, commemorating 75 years of providing medical care for Veterans throughout Western Colorado.

Mockler has volunteered at the facility for 52 of those 75 years, missing only two years when COVID-19 protocols limited volunteerism. She works a four-hour shift every Wednesday, continuing a legacy that stemmed from a simple comment.

“I had a friend who volunteered at the VA hospital,” said Mockler. “She told me how rewarding it was.”

When Mockler joined VA’s volunteer ranks, she found it equally rewarding. 

“I get out and meet people,” she said. “It’s interesting.”

A half-century of change
During her decades of volunteering at VA, Mockler has assisted Veterans from World War I to those who’ve recently transitioned to civilian life, providing support in a variety of roles that have changed with the facility. 

Mockler’s witnessed numerous remodeling projects and program changes over the years. At one time, Grand Junction VAMC featured two libraries—one for visitors and a medical library for clinicians. 

Mockler pushed a book cart, offering reading material to inpatients, Veterans and guests in waiting areas. During her rounds, she often sat with Veterans who seemed lonely and wanted to talk. 

The library was shut down during the COVID-19 pandemic, and Mockler now staffs the front desk, welcoming visitors, offering directions and answering questions. 

“I can talk to them in the lobby,” she said. “I’m so thankful that I’m able to stand with no assistance. I like helping Veterans and knowing that I’m still able to do things.”

A facility milestone
Grand Junction VAMC opened its doors in 1949. Sixteen patients were admitted by the end of that first week; more than anticipated. Today, this 16-acre facility serves nearly 16,000 Veterans each year.

With no plans to retire from volunteer service, Mockler feels comfortable in this medical center, which has honored Veterans for 75 years. 

When informed that Grand Junction VAMC would soon celebrate its diamond anniversary, Mockler offered one comment.

"It's not as old as I am."

For more information on the history and services of this landmark facility, visit VA Western Colorado Health Care.  

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April Love is a writer-editor on the VISN 19 Creative Task Force. She began working for VA Eastern Colorado Health Care System in 2016 and lives in Aurora, Colorado.