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Contact us

Find phone numbers and contact information at VA Long Beach Healthcare System for frequently requested services like patient advocates, medical records, billing and insurance, and more.

Patient help and resources

After-Hours Assistance

Please call Veterans Integrated Service Network (VISN) 22 Telephone Advice Nurse Call Line at for an evaluation from a triage nurse and, when appropriate, referral to an urgent care center in the community.

Patient advocate

Do you have a complaint, compliment, or suggestion? Share it so we can better serve you. We have a philosophy of attempting to resolve issues at the front-line level; reaching out to your Service-Level Advocate representative first may result in resolving issues in a more timely manner. However, at VA Long Beach, we aim to be the #1 Healthcare System in the nation, whether you had an exceptional experience or we didn’t meet your needs, please let us know.

Phone: 562-826-5467

Medical records office

Access your medical records online or request a copy of your records from our Release of Information office.

Billing and insurance

Pay your VA Long Beach health care bill online, by phone, mail, or in person. You can also raise issues or address billing disputes.


Find out how to refill your prescriptions, where to pick up new prescription orders, and how to safely dispose of your medicines.

Phone directory and mailing address

Find phone numbers for many of the administrative and program offices at VA Long Beach health care.

Mailing address

Tibor Rubin VA Medical Center
5901 East 7th Street
Long Beach CA 90822

Main phone numbers

Local: 562-826-8000
Toll-free: 888-769-8387

To use TeleType for the Deaf (TTY) services: 711

A – F


Addiction Recovery Treatment (ART)

Administrative Officer of the Day (AOD)


Agent Orange

Allergy and Immunology Clinic

Anesthesia Clinic

Anticoagulation Clinic 

Army’s Wounded Warrior Program (AW2)

Arthritis Clinic


Barber Shop

Behavioral Health Interdisciplinary Program (BHIP) Outpatient Mental Health

Beneficiary Travel

Travel (Cust. Svc.): or  
Travel (Message):

Blind Rehab Center (BRC)

Blinded Veterans Association (BVA)


Patriot Café: , 13583
Patriot Store: or

Cardiology Fellow Clinic

, 13430

Care in the Community Service (CCS)


, 12332

CAT Scan (Radiology)


Cath Lab

Chaplain Services/Chapel


Compensation & Pension

Coumadin Clinic



, 13117

Diabetic Clinic 

, 13430


Ear Nose & Throat/Plastic Surgery

Echo Cardiology/Cardiogram Lab

Electro-Cardiogram (EKG)

Electro-Encephalogram (EEG)

, 13817

Eligibility, Enrollment/Means Testing

Emergency Department (ER) 24/7

Emergency Management


, 12292

Engineering Department

, 13754

Environmental Management Service (EMS)

Escort Service

Bldg.126 OP /Sta 126:
Bldg.133 CLC /Sta 133:
Bldg.150 SCI /Sta 150:
Bldg.164 Rm. 108 /Sta 164:
Bldg.165 (Next to “The Egg” Westside) /Sta 165:
Bldg.166 (Next to “The Egg” Eastside) /Sta 166:
Wheelchair Patients:

Integrated Ethics

, 14339

Event Monitor Clinic

Experience Office

External Discrimination Complaints Program

Fisher House

G – M

Gastrointestinal Clinic

Gastrointestinal Lab

Geriatrics Evaluation & Management (GEM)

GI Clinic (Specialty Clinic)

GI Lab (Endoscopy/Colonoscopy)

Golf Cart Services



, 12292

Health Administration Service (HAS)

Health care for homeless Veterans


Home Oxygen

Home Telehealth

Homemaker Home Health Aid

, 14750

Human Resources/Management Services

Infectious Diseases

, 13433

Inferential Radiology (IR)


Infusion Clinic

Intensive Community Mental Health Recovery

IT Help Desk

L1 - Acute Inpatient Psychiatry Unit

Lab (Outpatient Lab/Phlebotomy)

Liver Clinic

M1 - Inpatient Geropsychiatry Unit



Medical Library

Medical Media

Medical Records—Release of Information

, 12962

Military Sexual Trauma (MST)

Million Veteran Program

MOVE Weight Management Program

, 12980


My HealtheVet

N – Z

Nephrology Clinic


, 12292

Nuclear Medicine


Nursing Operation


Occupational Health (Employee Health)

Occupational Therapy

Operation Support Service





Pacemaker Clinic

, 13813

Patient Flow Coordinator

Pantages Theatre

Pathology and Lab Medicine Admin

Pathways Recovery Clinic

Patient Advocate Office

Patient Centered Care Office

Patient Education Resource Center (PERC)


Pain Clinic

Patient Safety

Patriot Café

Patriot Store

Peer Support

, 14035, 14874

Personal Care Clinic


Physical Therapy

Physical and Occupational Therapy 

P.I.E.R. Center


Police Dispatch


PIV Badge

, 14448

Primary Care - Patient Aligned Care Team (PACT) Clinics

Primary Care - Mental Health Integration

Privacy Officer

, 13346


Public Affairs Office (PAO)

Pulmonary Clinic

Pulmonary Function Lab

Quality Management

Radiation Oncology

Radiology (Main Xray) 

Interventional Radiology:
Nuclear Medicine:

Recovery Room

Recreational Therapy (Spinal Cord Injury)

Red Cross

, 14664, 14465

Registration and Eligibility



Research/Admin Offices



, 12292

Risk Management

Safety, Occupational Health & Environment (GEMS)

Shuttle Bus/Bus & Motor Pool

Wheelchair Patients:
Afterhours (VA Police):

Sleep Lab

Social Work Services

Specialty Care Clinics (Outpatient)

, 13430 

Speech Pathology

Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Outpatient

Suicide Prevention Program


, 12209
General Surgery and Surgery Clinics: 
Surgery, Pre-OP:
Surgery, Same Day:

Tele-Care (After Hours)

T.I.D.E.S. Clinic (Translating Initiatives for Depression into Effective Solutions)

Transfer Coordinator

Traumatic Brian Injury (TBI)

, 11156

Travel (see “Beneficiary Travel”)


, 13768

Urgent Mental Health Care


VA Desert Pacific Credit Union

Valet Parking

Veterans Experience Team Specialist (Patient Advocates)

Veterans Family Assistance

Veterans Transition Center 

Call Center:

VIST Coordinator (Visual Impairment Service Team)

Women’s Health Clinic

Woman’s Program Manager

Women’s Mental Health

Media and press

The Office of Public Affairs can assist local media with queries, interview requests, and expert information about the VA Long Beach Healthcare System.

Phone: 562-826-5373

After hours or on weekends, call the operator at 562-826-8000 and ask for the administrator on duty.

Submit a FOIA request

Under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), you have a right to federal agency records unless those records are protected from disclosure by specific exemptions or exclusions laid out in law.

Requesting records maintained by VA Long Beach


Tibor Rubin VA Medical Center
Release of Information(HIMS)
5901 East 7th Street
Long Beach, CA 90822

For questions about your request to VA Long Beach

Phone: 562-826-8000, ext. 13344

Additional FOIA request information

Report an issue

Give us website feedback

To report a technical issue or give us feedback about this site, email our web team at

Report suspected fraud or mismanagement

Contact the VA Office of the Inspector General (VAOIG) to report suspected criminal activity, fraud, inadequate patient care, or mismanagement of VA programs or government resources.

Phone: 800-488-8244

VA Inspector General Hotline (53e)
810 Vermont Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20420

Learn more about the VA OIG hotline.

Report patient care or safety issues

If you have any concerns about the care and safety of patients or residents, the first step is to contact hospital management. If management did not address or resolve your concerns, contact the Joint Commission.

Submit a complaint online 
Phone: 800-994-6610
Fax: 630-792-5636

Office of Quality Monitoring
The Joint Commission
One Renaissance Boulevard
Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181