Working together to support Veterans

The Minneapolis VA hosted onsite training for County Veterans Service Officers (CVSOs) located in over 40 counties throughout the Minneapolis VA catchment area in June.
More than 25 CVSOs spent the day in the medical center, for some it was their first time being on campus. They received updates on services provided throughout the Minneapolis VA Health Care System to include 13 community-based outpatient clinics as far north as Ely, as far south as Rochester, and into western Wisconsin.
Director Patrick Kelly kicked off the day with opening remarks. “Your partnership with the Minneapolis VA is invaluable. Without you Veterans would not have the resources or guidance, in their community, to navigate what can be a challenging system. You assist Veterans every day to ensure they are receiving the healthcare and benefits they have earned,” said Kelly.
There was a variety of presentations from subject matter experts in primary care, specialty care, community care, billing and transportation, suicide prevention, Women Veteran’s care and the Veterans Benefits Administration, and more. It was a two-way street as CVSOs had an opportunity to connect with experts and ask questions about program specifics while they also provided valuable feedback to facility leadership.
“This was a great opportunity, and we look forward to doing this again. It was very well received by my CVSOs,” said John Baker, Minnesota Association of County Veteran Services Officers (MACVSO) Executive Director, at the conclusion of training.
MACVSO is the Professional, state-wide organization made up of over 120 specially trained and certified Veterans Advocates known as County Veterans Service Officers. Each member of the MACVSO is a Veteran. To find your Minnesota CVSO visit To find your Wisconsin CVSO visit