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North Florida / South Georgia VHS spreads Holiday cheer through Civic donations

Holiday Gift Bags
Holiday gift bags put together by the NF/SG Veterans Health System's Center for Development and Civic Engagement (CDCE) volunteers with donations from the Kings Bay Navy League and the Hahira Mayors Motorcade stand ready to be delivered to Veterans who are receiving treatment over the holidays at the Lake City and Gainesville Veterans Health Centers.
By Ryan Jernegan

The spirit of giving this holiday season has taken hold throughout the North Florida / South Georgia Veterans Health System.

NF/SG Veterans Health System enjoys partnerships with many state and local organizations through the VA Center for Development and Civic Engagement (CDCE) Service, led by Mr. Robert Coon, voluntary service officer, Lake City Veterans Health Center.

“Our two largest donors in Lake City are the Kings Bay Navy League and the Hahira Mayors Motorcade,” said Coon. “This is not to say that there aren’t many more, but they are the largest and come twice per year each.”

The Kings Bay Council of the Navy League of the United States supports the commands and the men and women of the sea services and their families stationed at Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay and in St. Marys, Georgia. The Hahira Mayors Motorcade is a large group of donors ranging from Hahira citizens, local businesses, Hahira government, motorcyclists from the Veterans of Foreign War and the American Legion, and other local schools and entities.

And at least twice a year, the Kings Bay Navy League and the City of Hahira collects various personal care supplies, gifts and other essentials and delivers them to Veterans at the VA Medical Centers in Lake City and Gainesville. 

Organizations such as the Kings Bay Navy League and the Hahira Mayors motorcade are just one factor in the larger scope of the donations that NF/SG receive. The NF/SG Veterans Health Systems CDCE at both the Lake City and Gainesville locations manage a plethora of programs that directly support Veterans throughout the North Florida/South Georgia areas. Apart from assisting with the planning of various ceremonies to include Veterans Day, POW/MIA Day, and National Salute activities to honor Veterans, the CDCE employees consistently recruit, train, and place volunteers at our more than 20 locations.

It is these efforts that contribute greatly to the thousands of dollars donated by the Kings Bay Navy League and City of Hahira as well as consolidation of thousands of pounds of food and goods donations. Additionally, CDCE provides an opportunity for volunteers as young as 14 to adults of all ages to directly contribute and experience the personal satisfaction of serving those who served.

“Holiday bags are provided every year and happen based on a lot of work from our donors, staff, and Volunteers,” said Coon. “To be able to provide a bag for those in the hospital during the holidays is our way of trying to provide a gesture of holiday spirit at a time when it is most needed.” 

The NF/SG Veterans Health System is grateful to all of our Veteran Service and Civic organizations that contribute so generously. And during the holiday season, the weight of these donations is so much greater because it reminds the Veterans that people still care and are always thinking of them, especially during the holidays. 

“The annual gift distribution is part of CDCE’s mission to integrate donations into daily VA operations so that they may further enhance the excellent care our Veterans receive at our NF/SG health care facilities,” said Ms. Paula Cummings, voluntary service specialist with the Gainesville CDCE. “We hope these meaningful gestures ease the disappointment of being away from family and offer comfort to those who depend on us.”

While the economy has been challenging over the last two years, our CDCE leaders want to remind everyone that there are many ways to donate. Finding those sealed canned goods from the pantry to donate is a great start, but there are countless ways to support a Veteran. Probably one of the most generous ways is to volunteer. The opportunity to interact with a Veteran at the hospital for treatment is a splendid way to bring up their spirits and spread joy.

For more information on the North Florida/South Georgia Veterans Health System CDCE, please visit

For more information on the North Florida/South Georgia Veterans Health System, please visit