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Whole Health

Whole Health is a cutting-edge, holistic approach to care that recognizes you as a whole person and helps support your unique answer to the question, "What would I do if my health were the best it could be?" Whole Health centers around what matters to you and goes beyond your illnesses, injuries, or disabilities. It focuses on your values and goals, your health and well-being, and includes self-care and complementary therapies along with your traditional medical care. In Whole Health care, you are a more active partner with your health team.

A Veteran Kayaking. Discover what matters to you. Live Whole Health.

The Circle of Health

The Circle of Health illustrates the big picture connections between your health and other aspects of your life. Whole Health opens the door to discuss not only your health conditions, but the elements that impact your well-being.

Circle of Health

Take a closer look at The Circle of Health


The innermost circle represents each of us as unique individuals. We start at the middle saying, “I am the expert on my life, values, goals, and priorities. Only I can know WHY I want my health. Only I can know what really matters to ME. And this knowledge needs to be what drives my health and my healthcare. I am the most important person when it comes to making choices that influence my health and well-being. I am the leader of my team, and my medical team professionals are some of the invited players.”

Examples of the types of services Veterans can access and use to support this area include (but are not limited to):

  • What REALLY matters to you in your life?
  • What do you want your health for?
  • What is your vision of your best possible health?

Mindful Awareness

Mindfulness is being fully aware or paying attention. Sometimes, we go through our daily lives on autopilot. We are not fully aware of the present. We often dwell on the past and plan events in the future. We do not spend much time really paying attention and noticing what is happening right now; without judging or trying to fix it. Your body and mind send you signals constantly. If your attention is elsewhere, you don’t notice. Then, the signals that began as whispers become loud warnings. For example, when you miss the whispers of an early discomfort or a sad feeling, you miss the opportunity to make a change before it grows into real pain or depression. Being mindful, or aware, allows you to make conscious, proactive choices about every aspect of your health. Mindfulness connects you to each component of your well-being, and to your whole self.

8 Areas

Self-care is often the most important factor in living a healthy life, which in turn allows you to live your life fully, in the ways that matter to you. Self-care includes all the choices you make on a daily basis that affect your physical, mental, and spiritual health. In fact, how you take care of yourself will have a greater impact on your health and well-being than the medical care you receive. Evidence shows that each of these eight areas of self-care contributes a great deal to your overall health and well-being. They can also affect your chances for developing diseases as well as the seriousness of that disease. Consider your values, lifestyle, habits, and motivations in each area. Taking stock of where you are now and where you want to be in each of these areas is the first step in living a healthier life. 


Prevention and treatment of illness or disease and traditional and complementary medicine are part of professional care. Preventive care includes things like immunizations and cancer screening. Common treatments include checkups, medicines, supplements, physical therapy, surgery, and counseling. Complementary medicine includes approaches like acupuncture and mind-body therapies. It is important to stay current with your personal care plan for health and well-being.


The outer ring represents your community. For some, their community is close by and for others it is far away. Your community is more than the places where you live, work, and worship. It includes all the people and groups you connect with, who rely on you and upon whom you rely.

Whole Health Equation

How to get Started

A Veteran swimming. Discover what matters to you. Live Whole Health.

The Pathway

Veterans explore their mission, aspiration, and purpose (MAP) by building their Personal Health Plan (PHP). Once you are on the Whole Health Pathway, VA staff and Veteran Peer Support Specialists, guide you as you complete your Personal Health Inventory and develop your Personal Health Plan.

Whole Health means thinking about and approaching your health in a new way. Through conversations and courses, VA staff and Veteran Peers will get to know you. They will work with you to set health and well-being goals based on your needs and what matters to you.


Tell your health care provider your needs, concerns, and goals.

What matters to you will shape your Personal Health Plan and drive your Well-being Program and clinical treatment choices. A yoga class might enhance your flexibility, or a tai chi class might help you manage your pain better.

Whether you want to better your pain management and mobility, change careers, or reduce stress, you can start by talking with your health care provider or participating in a Whole Health course.

Take a Course

There are currently two Veteran-led Whole Health courses - Introduction to Whole Health and Taking Charge of My Life and Health.

Introduction to Whole Health: The Introduction to Whole Health session is designed to familiarize you to the VA Whole Health approach to care. This approach is designed around what is important to you, developing a plan of care to make those things possible, giving you a larger voice in your care. Through our programs and services and, most importantly, your own strengths and abilities, we will work together in a healing partnership to optimize your well-being with a focus on what is important to YOU. We'll also describe areas of self-care and well-being that make up all the different aspects of who we are as individuals. You will learn how improving certain areas of your life can have an influencing effect on your overall physical and mental health.

Taking Charge of My Life and Health (TCMLH): Following the Introduction to Whole Health, you can participate in a 9-week Taking Charge of My Life and Health peer-led course. This group session provides an opportunity for more self-exploration, self-care, and goal creation around what matters to you.

Whole Health puts you, not your symptoms, at the center of your care decisions.

Health and Wellness Coach

Wanting to make changes in your life but need help? Our health coach helps Veterans set goals, increase motivation, discuss any barriers/obstacles that may come up along your journey, and improve your overall quality of life that is aligned with your values, wants, and needs. Coaching can assist Veterans with the next steps in their lives, putting the Veteran in the driver’s seat throughout the process allowing the Veteran to choose his/her own health plan/route.

Well-Being Programs

Whole Health Yoga


These classes are designed to provide you with tools and skills to improve Your health and quality of life. Whether it’s for wellness or to compliment conventional care, VANEOHS offers a variety of classes to _____.  This includes the Artful Living program in addition to various classes such as Yoga, Tai Chi, Food as Medicine, Stress Management, Meditation, Aromatherapy, Laughter for Wellness and more.


Chair Yoga

Yoga offers physical and mental health benefits for people of all ages. Yoga improves strength, balance, and flexibility. Slow movements and deep breathing increase blood flow and warm up muscles, while holding a pose can build strength. Yoga is also good as basic stretching for easing pain and improving mobility in people with lower back pain. Regular yoga practice may reduce levels of stress and body-wide inflammation, contributing to healthy hearts. Talk to your provider if yoga is right for you.

Gentle Chair Yoga

Learn a gentle way to improve your posture, balance, and coordination. Practice uses mindfulness and chair poses.  

Day: Tuesday
Time: 11 a.m.
Location: Virtual

Mindful Mat Yoga

Learn a gentle way to improve your posture, balance, and coordination. Practice uses mindfulness and mat poses.

Day: Thursday
Time: 1 p.m.
Location: Virtual

Tai Chi

Tai Chi is a series of gentle physical exercises and stretches. Each posture flows into the next without pause, ensuring that your body is in constant motion. Tai Chi is sometimes described as a meditation in motion because it promotes serenity through gentle movements connecting the mind and body. Tai Chi strengthens both the lower and upper extremities and also the core muscles of the back and abdomen. Tai Chi can boost upper and lower body flexibility as well as strength and balance. Talk to your provider if this practice is right for you.  Ask your provider for a Whole Health Consult today to get started.

Tai Chi Easy

Tai Chi Easy (a combination of Tai Chi and Qigong) is a graceful form of exercise that is used for stress reduction and a variety of other health conditions. Often described as meditation in motion, Tai Chi Easy promotes serenity through gently, flowing movements. 

Tai Chi Schedule:
Day:  Tuesday
Time: 10 a.m.
Location: Parma CBOC

Tai Chi Easy Schedule:
Day:  Thursday
Time: 9 a.m.
Location: Virtual

Other Modalities


Qigong is a mind-body practices that has been used for thousands of years to promote health and wellness.  Qigong involves using the breath to move the body through a series of learned techniques to increase physical strength, mental focus, and emotional balance. It does this through meditation in motion as it promotes serenity through gentle movements connecting the mind and body. It is the deepest root of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Martial Arts. 

Day: Thursdays
Time: 4:30 p.m.
Location: Rockefeller Room


Laughter for Wellness

Laughter is the best medicine! This program combines ancient wisdom and modern science to bring you a gentle, restorative, and FUN Mind-Body practice. Expect mild to moderate activities that anyone can do in a standing or seated posture.

Day: Wednesdays
Time: 3 p.m.
Location: Virtual


Meditation Labyrinth

Explore the ancient practice of the labyrinth, a single winding path from the outer edge in a circuitous way to the center. Labyrinths are used world-wide as a way to quiet the mind, restore balance in life, enhance creativity, improve relaxation, and encourage self-reflection and stress reduction.

Day: Wednesdays
Time: 11 a.m.
Location: Virtual


iRest Yoga Nidra

iRest (Integrative Restoration) Yoga Nidra is a specific type of yoga Nidra which provides simple guidance  instructions and is usually done in a comfortable reclining position. It offers continuous verbal instructions which keep attention focused and re-focused on specific body sensations, breathing, emotions, beliefs, and images. It has been well researched to provide help for symptoms of anxiety, depression, pain, insomnia, and PTSD.  iRest provides techniques to help you inquire into your current, unique experience of seeing, feeling, hearing, sensing, tasting, smelling and thinking.  iRest yoga-nidra practice was associated with reduced perceived stress, worry, and depression, and increased mindfulness iRest is a simple and accessible form of meditation state of calm and inner peace.

Day: Wednesdays
Time: 4 p.m.
Location: Virtual



The meaning of Reiki is “Life Force Energy.” Reiki is a form of energy healing utilizing mindfulness and hand positions to help lead you to a state of calmness. The premise is that if you can relax or change your energy, you can open to your own healing. This class will provide you with tools to connect to a inner sense of calm within the mind, body, and spirit.

Day: Mondays
Time: 1 p.m.
Location: Virtual



Mindful awareness is about noticing what is happening when it happens. It is paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and nonjudgmentally. Mindful awareness helps you focus on the present and what is most important to you. VA CALM is an adapted MBSR program, introducing a variety of mindfulness and self-compassion meditation practices.

Day: Fridays
Time: 1 p.m.
Location: Virtual



This modality utilizes a gentle tapping at key meridian points on the upper body. This can be done alone or in conjunction with phrases that target a specific concern or wellness goal. Participants are lead through a guided practice.

Day: Mondays
Time: 2 p.m.


Music Matters

Providing enrichment through music, ‘Music Matters’ offers basic music education while exploring the emotional impact and benefits of having music in your life. Listening or performing, music can carry tremendous weight in promoting comprehensive wellness.

Day: Thursdays
Time: 3 p.m.
Location: Rockefeller Room


Chronic Pain Shared Medical Appointment (SMA)

This group is a Shared Medical Appointment between medicine and health psychology which provides education and skill building for active coping strategies for chronic pain management. Veterans learn new skills to better manage chronic pain, improve quality of life, and explore complimentary and integrative health approaches.  There are two offerings one in Primary Care & one in Woman’s Health Clinic.

Primary Care

Day: 1st Wednesday of month  
Time: 1 p.m.
Location: Virtual

Women’s Health
Day: 3rd Wednesday of month  
Time: 1 p.m.
Location: Virtual



THRIVE is a 14-week program that guides Veterans toward improved health, resiliency, and redefined passions. During this journey, we work together to help you identify and align values through healthy, positive actions that lead to purpose and finding fulfillment in life. Topics such as stress management, financial health, creativity and flow, mental health and happiness, and work life purpose are explored. Each session is two-hours.

Primary Care

Day: Thursdays  
Time: 9 a.m.

Women’s Health 
Day: Wednesday of month  
Time: 9 a.m.
Location: Virtual


Drum Circle

Veterans learn a variety of drumming techniques and rhythms designed to help alleviate stress and depression, ease pain and raise energy levels, and reconnect Veterans with the joy of spontaneous self-expression. Every session concludes with meditation practice.

Day: Tuesdays
Time: 2 p.m.
Location: Virtual


Creative Writing and Spirituality

This group is designed for a connection of the mind, body, and spirit. This can happen through writing, which allows a person the chance to self-express and also self-reflect on the part of spirituality that connects to the sacred, themselves, and others. The group is a part of the Creative Arts and Spirituality Series. Supplies are provided, no experience needed

Day: Fridays
Time: 1 p.m.
Location: Virtual


Spirit and Soul 1 

This is a six-week, one hour group that provides activities and conversations that explore connections to our spirituality, our relationships with other people, nature, the arts and claiming our own lived wisdom. This group is offered four times a year. For more information, please contact Chaplain Rina Shere at ext. 66773

Day: Tuesdays
Time: 7 p.m.


Spirit and Soul 2

This group will provide activities and conversations that explore connections to our spirituality, our relationships with other people, nature, the arts and claiming our own lived wisdom.

Day: Saturdays
Time: 2 p.m.
Location: Virtual


MOVE! Weight Management Orientation

MOVE! is VA's national weight management program developed for Veterans. MOVE! is an evidence-based self-management program that focuses on health and wellness through healthy eating, physical activity, and behavior change. MOVE! can help you lose weight and improve your health.

Day: Mondays
Time: 1 p.m.
Location: Virtual


Strings and Stripes

Strum along with Strings and Stripes! This virtual skill building opportunity will bring Veterans together to explore the basics of guitar, while also establishing new friendships along the way. Veterans will be encouraged to bring a guitar to each class and engage with fellow group members. All levels are welcome.

Day: Mondays

Food as Medicine

This 12-week program provides information on functional approaches to food and drink. It focuses on learning more about the power of what we eat, different dietary principles and eating habits that support your health and well-being.

Chronic Pain Self-Management

This 6-week program provides tools to help you with Chronic Pain management. Excellent resources and exercises are used at the sessions, to support you.

Mindful Gardening

Mindful gardening is a practice of being present and aware while tending to your garden. It involves taking the time to appreciate the beauty of nature, be mindful of how you interact with it, and take care of plants in an intentional way. Learn about the basics of mindfulness and gardening in this 4-week program.

Day: Mondays
Time: 2 p.m.

Artful Living


Express what matters to you most through arts and humanities offerings through our community partnerships. Artful Living is a health and wellness approach under Whole Health where individuals express what matters most to them through art, creative writing, music, and dance/movement. Expressive Arts assists our Veterans and Staff to have a path for discovery and change by accessing their imagination, using the senses, and opening to the resources they hold within themselves. Expressive Arts helps foster empathy, compassion, and social connections, as well as increasing feelings of creativity, positivity, and inspiration. The use of expressive arts in our programming is one dimension that is recognized for its ability to enhance healthcare and promote health outcomes such as increased motivation and reduced levels of stress.

Whole Health Clinical Care


Providing inpatient and outpatient care that is centered around healing environments and healing relationships. This will also include the use of modalities such as Acupuncture and Chiropractic.





Employee Wellness


Employee Whole Health seeks to establish a collaborative culture of well-being and support employee resilience through integration of Whole Health into daily practices and workflows, while continually evaluating value-based outcomes.

Education and Training

Whole Health 102

Whole Health 102 is a 4-hour experience designed to guide participants in exploring Whole Health and considering how it can be used to improve one’s own health and well-being. The goal of this program is to help each participant identify their mission, aspiration, and purpose, and understand how they can make changes in their lives to help them work towards achieving their personal goals. During the course, participants learn why the VA has adopted a Whole Health approach to health care, review the Circle of Health to see how it provides guidance for making changes in one’s life, and learn about local resources—including Employee Health—that support improved health. At the conclusion of this program, each participant will have the opportunity to identify areas of growth and develop a plan to strive towards their goals.

Whole Health 202

Whole Health 202 is an intensive, highly practical 4-hour experience for busy VA clinicians and clinical teams that provides additional skills and tools to make clinical practice more effective, efficient, and satisfying. According to research, the vast majority of patients with chronic disease do not feel they are able to effectively support their own self-care and self-management. Whole Health 202 provides clinicians and teams with a quick start guide for helping patients optimize their own health and well-being.

Whole Health Resources

Veterans Whole Health Education Handouts

Veterans Whole Health Education Handouts

Veteran Whole Health education handouts to support your Whole Health journey.

Mobile Apps and Online Tools

Mobile Apps and Online Tools

Web based and mobile resources designed to help Veterans live Whole Health no matter where they are.

Well-Being Programs

Well-Being Programs

Well-being Programs providing care that supports your Personal Health Plan related to your Whole Health Clinical journey.

Whole Health Videos

Whole Health Videos

Videos designed to help Veterans learn more about the positive impacts of the Whole Health approach and how to get the most out of the program.

Whole Health Podcasts

Whole Health Podcasts

Take Whole Health on the road with you and listen anytime, anywhere.


Whole Health
Please contact us at or 216-791-2300 ext. 45986

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