Beneficiary Travel Self Service System (BTSSS)
Process your beneficiary travel reimbursement claims online via BTSSS.

What is Beneficiary Travel Self Service System (BTSSS)?
Beneficiary Travel Self Service System (BTSSS) replaces the existing legacy BT module with a modern cloud based Dynamics 365 solution. This solution provides an intuitive interface for claimants such as veterans and caregivers to submit and track their beneficiary travel claims. BTSSS provides a more veteran-focused experience for beneficiary travel reimbursements, allowing claimants to submit and track travel claims at their convenience. BTSSS also provides capabilities for beneficiaries to receive payments by electronic funds transfer and helps to eliminate fraud, waste, and abuse.
Click to access BTSSS through Access VA.
As a first-time user how can I make the process go smoothly?
To prepare for filing your first claim with BTSSS, do these three things to help your claims processing go smoothly.
- First, sign up or update your direct deposit information with VA if appropriate.
- Second, upgrade to a Premium My HealtheVet account, create an account or sign up for a Level 2 DoD DS-Logon account. ,
- Third, log in to BTSSS for the first time, create a profile and be sure to add your direct deposit account information.
For more tips and instructions on how to use BTSSS, watch our six-video playlist.
Am I eligible?
VA offers two types of travel benefits under the Beneficiary Travel Program: general health care travel and special mode transportation. As a Veteran, you may be eligible for one or both. If you meet the criteria below, you may be eligible if you:
- Have a service-connected rating of 30% or more.
- Are traveling for treatment of a service-connected condition.
- Receive a VA pension, or your income does not exceed the maximum annual VA pension.
- Are traveling for a scheduled compensation or pension exam.
- Have vision impairment, spinal cord injury or disorder, double or multiple amputation, enrollment in VA Rehab Programs.
What are the benefits of BTSSS?
- Access 24 hours a day, every day
- Fast payments
- Direct deposit
- Track claims at any time
How is this different from paper forms and kiosks formally used to file claims?
BTSSS is an online, self-reporting system that eliminates delays created by paper forms and the kiosks. An updated profile is required to file a claim online and to process previously submitted kiosk and paper claims. Filing travel claims electronically with BTSSS and using direct deposit result in the fastest payment possible.
Do I have to use BTSSS to file a claim?
No. But it is strongly encouraged. Eligible Veterans and caregivers can also file VA Form 10-3542 to request travel reimbursement.
BTSSS is strongly encouraged because:
- Combining electronic filing with direct deposit is the fastest way to be reimbursed.
- BTSSS provides an easy way to check the status of a travel claim.
- BTSSS is a self-adjudicating system, meaning once your account is set up properly and all your information is verified, self-submitting a claim in BTSSS means within 3-5 days you should be paid, regardless of any paper backlog the Beneficiary Travel Office may be experiencing.
- When a Veteran files a paper claim, the Beneficiary Travel Team must manually load and process that claim in BTSSS for the Veteran. This takes significantly longer to process this way, leading to substantial backlogs, increasing the wait time to be paid for all Veterans filing this way.
- Logging into BTSSS is easy with any of these three methods -- credentials for, My HealtheVet, or a Level 2 DS-Logon account.
Online resources and help
Travel Pay:
- Webpage — VA Travel Pay Reimbursement | Veterans Affairs
- Video — Beneficiary Travel Self-Service System (BTSSS) Introduction
Log-in Options:
- Webpage — DoD DS Logon Premium Account FAQs - My HealtheVet (
- Webpage — Privacy and security on | Veterans Affairs
- Webpage — Upgrading Your My HealtheVet Account - My HealtheVet (
- Video — Beneficiary Travel Self-Service System (BTSSS) Introduction
- Video — How to Access BTSSS and Create Your Login
- Video — How to set up Direct Deposit and access BTSSS
- Video — How to submit a travel reimbursement claim for a VA facility appointment
- Video — How to submit a travel reimbursement claim for a non-VA facility
- Video — How to check the status of your travel reimbursement claim
Call the Phoenix VA Beneficiary Travel Department at 602-277-5551 ext 7650.
For additional help, call the VA's Beneficiary Travel toll-free call center at 855-574-7292. Hours: 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Need help from another facility? Search online for VA Travel Offices across the US.