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The Montana VA is aware of a potential power outage that may affect Veterans and their families.

The outage is anticipated for the afternoon of July 25. The Montana VA does not anticipate the outage to have an impact on care.

We urge Veterans with refrigerated meds, CPAPs, etc. to have a back-up plan.


Explore Montana VA's diverse program offerings, which include patient health care, cutting-edge clinical research and other specialties.

Cardiopulmonary and diagnostics

The Cardiopulmonary and diagnostics department provides stress testing, electrocardiograms, electrophysiology, pulmonary function studies and provide in-patient respiratory care for those with lung issues or heart problems. Learn more about Cardiopulmonary and diagnostics.

Beneficiary Travel Self Service System (BTSSS)

BTSSS provides a more Veteran-focused experience for beneficiary travel reimbursements, allowing claimants to submit and track travel claims at their convenience. BTSSS also provides capabilities for beneficiaries to receive payments by electronic funds transfer and helps to eliminate fraud, waste, and abuse. 

Click to access BTSSS through Access VA

Learn more about BTSSS

Frequently Asked Questions

At Montana VA, we know Veterans, their families and caregivers have a lot of questions. Here are some of our most commonly asked questions.

Click here to view Frequently Asked Questions

New Patients

The goal of the New Patient Orientation program is to provide Veterans with a seamless transition into VA healthcare services.

Click here to learn more about the New Patient Orientation program

Sleep Disorders Center

At various points in our lives, all of us suffer from a lack of sleep. But, if you are spending enough time in bed and still wake up tired or feel very sleepy during the day, you may have a sleep disorder. We can help.

Click here to learn more about the Sleep Disorders Center