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Statement on the Death of Public Affairs Officer, Peter Potter


January 15, 2025

Albany , NY — The team at the Albany Stratton VA is saddened by the passing of our Public Affairs Officer, Peter Potter on January 5, 2024.

The team at the Albany Stratton VA is saddened by the passing of our Public Affairs Officer, Peter Potter on January 5, 2024. Peter lived a life of Public Service, starting with his enlistment in the Navy and then his work in the New York State legislature. For the last 19 years Peter continued his service to Veterans of Upstate New York, serving as the Albany Stratton VA Public Affairs Officer. 


At his core, Peter was always a Veterans Advocate, his professionalism, unrelenting perseverance, and passion for Veterans’ issues were evident in his work.  Peter pioneered outreach through Welcome Home events with our community partners.  Peter spearheaded the “Honor Our Veterans” Car show, now a staple at the hospital. Most recently he championed educating Veterans about the Veterans Crisis Line and the PACT Act, his work in the community was critical to ensuring the Albany VA mission was a success.  Peter was also a mentor to Public Affairs officers of the 11 hospitals in the VISN 2, New York and New Jersey VA network, his guidance and support will be profoundly missed by his peers.  


The loss of this dedicated public servant is immeasurable. Our condolences are with his wife Mary Beth, and their two sons, Michael and Peter.

