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Insurance Collection

Insurance Collection Notice

To provide you with the best healthcare, it is important for the Amarillo VA Health Care System to collect private health insurance information. The VA has the right to bill any health insurance carrier that provides coverage for you. That includes patients who are covered by their spouse’s insurance. The VA does not bill Medicare or Medicaid and does not bill insurance for service-connected conditions. Only non-service-connected conditions are billed to insurance carriers.

Money that is collected from health insurance reimbursements is returned directly to the medical centers and used to enhance the health care services provided to Veterans. For this to happen, the VA needs to collect your health insurance information. VA staff may do this by calling you at home or they may ask for it when you check in for an appointment. Always bring your insurance card with you when you come to the VA.

This information does not determine your eligibility for treatment at the VA in any way. However, various eligibility categories may require the payment of a copay. In most cases, your private healthcare insurance will cover the costs of copays. Any unpaid VA copayment balance remains your payment responsibility.

To update your insurance, you may present your insurance card to any Medical Administrative Assistant at the check-in/check-out window of any treatment clinic, stop by the Business Office to visit with an Enrollment and Eligibility staff member, or fill out the form attached below and return it to:

Amarillo VAHCS
Attention: Dept. 136 Enrollment and Eligibility
6010 Amarillo Blvd. West
Amarillo, TX 79106