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Serving Thanksgiving cheer with meal boxes to Veterans

Serving Thanksgiving cheer with meal boxes to Veterans
More than a dozen dedicated staff and volunteers from the Birmingham VA joined forces with the HUB Community Development Corporation and the Food Bank of Central Alabama to distribute 500 nourishing meal boxes to local Veterans November 17, 2023.

In the heart of Birmingham, an inspiring tale of compassion and community unfolded, embodying the true spirit of Thanksgiving.

More than a dozen dedicated staff and volunteers from the Birmingham VA joined forces with the HUB Community Development Corporation and the Food Bank of Central Alabama. Their mission? To distribute 500 nourishing meal boxes to local Veterans, a symbol of gratitude for those who served the nation.

This initiative marked the second year of collaboration between the VA and the HUB. Together, they aimed to make the holidays a little brighter for Veterans, especially those enrolled in the Homeless Veterans Program. Each meal box, lovingly packed with a roasting chicken and an array of delicious sides, was more than just food. It was a gesture of heartfelt thanks, a message that they were not forgotten.

Pamelia Harris, the HUB's Executive Director, spoke with conviction. "We understand the increasing cost of food hurts our community, particularly Veterans. Once VA identifies the need, the HUB tries to fill the gap and make the holidays a little better. It is the least we can do,” she said.

Ahmad Brewer, the Homeless Program Coordinator, echoed her sentiments. "I can’t begin to measure the impact. Some of the things that we take for granted, like what we are going to eat, some veterans don’t know where their next meal is coming from. Especially during the holidays, this takes a worry away.”

Brewer further emphasized the importance of the day. “Today we are here to provide service to those who served our community and nation…Veterans, who may not have a complete Thanksgiving meal. Events like this are vital to the Veteran community. The VA and community partnership is essential to making a difference in the lives of Veterans.”

As the volunteers loaded vehicles and served as table hostesses, there was a palpable sense of joy and unity. This was not just about handing over meal boxes; it was a celebration of giving and a poignant reminder of the community's strength when it comes together to support its most deserving members.

This Thanksgiving, as the Veterans received their meal boxes, they were greeted not just with food, but with smiles, respect, and the warmth of a community that had not forgotten their sacrifices. It was a Thanksgiving to remember, not only for the Veterans but for everyone involved in this remarkable act of kindness.

Click here to view a video highlighting the event: