Living My Mission, Aspiration, and Purpose
VA’s Whole Health approach puts YOU at the center of your care.
U.S. Army and Army National Guard Veteran Sue Waldoch participates in the Butler VA’s Whole Health Program, including Whole Health Coaching.
“My coach and the Whole Health team have such a wonderful “listening ear.” I was really able to trust my care team. Being able to communicate, not be judged, share my authentic self, and have an easy conversation is what makes this program helpful,” shared Sue.
Whole Health centers around what matters to you, not what is the matter with you. This means your health team will get to know you as a person, before working with you to develop a personalized health plan based on your values, needs, and goals.
“Whole Health gave me strength to stick by my principles of how I want to live life and be able to focus on actually taking care of me,” said Sue. “I no longer have to have everyone’s approval for what I do or how I live... I’m living up to my MAP (Mission, Aspiration, Purpose)!”
Since participating in Whole Health, Sue has seen positive changes in her life such as better self-control, being able to let things go, and discovering who she actually is.
“Along the way, I recognized I am the only one who can turn the ship around, however, it’s helpful to have someone navigate the water—that is what Whole Health has helped me do.”
Start a conversation with your health team about your needs and priorities or learn about Whole Health practices from other Veterans through the Introduction to Whole Health and Taking Charge of My Life and Health courses the Butler VA offers regularly. Learn more: