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HSR Investigator Selected as Inaugural Oscar Auerbach Visiting Scholar


December 17, 2024

Houston , TX — Bhavika Kaul, MD, MAS, of HSR’s Center for Innovations in Quality, Effectiveness and Safety (IQuESt), has been selected as an Oscar Auerbach Visiting Scholar with VA’s War Related Illness and Injury Center.

Dr. Kaul's proposal was titled “Novel Radiomics Methods for Phenotypic Assessment of Post-Deployment Lung Disease.” 

The Auerbach program supports highly accomplished VA investigators who are pursuing research questions pertaining to long-term health outcomes among Veterans with military environmental exposures.

Dr. Kaul’s research focuses on using health services and implementation science research methods to inform innovative clinical care delivery redesign, especially as it relates to improving access to pulmonary fibrosis care for vulnerable populations. 

Her research uses “big data” from electronic health records to better understand the epidemiology of pulmonary fibrosis among Veterans, define current barriers and facilitators to care, and develop novel informatics approaches to improve timely access to subspecialty care. She was a 2023 National Academy of Medicine Scholar in Diagnostic Excellence.

The Oscar Auerbach Visiting Scholar Program is named in honor and memory of Dr. Oscar Auerbach, a physician scientist who most notably studied the relationship between tobacco smoke and lung cancer.

Media contacts

Maureen Dyman, Communications Director

