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The Lane A. Evans Community Based Outpatient Clinic in Galesburg, IL has moved from 310 Home Boulevard Galesburg, IL 61401 to 1090 W. Carl Sandburg Dr. Suite 100, Galesburg, IL.

The location has not been updated on popular web searches and navigation tools.

Cedar Rapids VA Clinic - Primary Care VA Flu Clinic

Flu shot flyer with a Veteran

Cedar Rapids Stand Alone Saturday Flu Clinic



Primary Care Check-In

3500 Dalton Way, West Town Center, Suite 300

Cedar Rapids, IA



Attention Veterans! Our Veteran Flu Shot Clinic is here to keep you fighting fit through flu season. Arm yourself against the flu by getting vaccinated at:

 3500 Dalton Way, Suite 400, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404  October 1st - November 22nd

Remember, getting your flu shot not only shields you but also safeguards your loved ones and community.  No-cost shots available for eligible Veterans! 

Our Special Stand Alone Clinic is Saturday, October 12th from 9am to 1pm!

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