2024 SoCal Hearing Conference at VA Loma Linda
2024 SoCal Hearing Conference at VA Loma Linda
Auditorium, 1st Floor
11201 Benton Street
Loma Linda, CA
The 2024 SoCal Hearing Conference will be hosted by the VA Loma Linda Healthcare System Auditory Research Group at the Jerry L. Pettis Memorial Veterans' Hospital on Saturday, November 2, 2024.
This informal one-day meeting is intended to facilitate communication and collaboration among Southern California scientists involved in hearing research and related fields. The meeting is open to all levels of researchers, but presentations from senior students and postdocs are particularly encouraged. The event will be a mixture of talks, no more than one from each lab, and posters from anyone who would like to present one. The talks will be 15 minutes long with 5 minutes for questions.
A tradition for this meeting is that each talk includes a brief introduction of the presenter’s lab followed by a brief presentation of their own research. In the registration form linked below, attendees should indicate whether they would like to present and, if so, whether they prefer a talk or poster. The schedule of talks will be arranged so as to prioritize an even distribution of talks across participating institutions. In case a request for a talk cannot be accommodated, the attendee will be notified that a poster may be presented instead. Poster presentations can be new but “recycled” posters from recent ARO or other meetings are very much welcome.
It is free to attend the meeting and lunch, snacks, and coffee will be provided at no cost.
Attendees may park in any unmarked space at the VA Hospital at no cost. An optional dinner at a local restaurant will be arranged but attendance will be at each diner’s own expense. Due to hospital policy, meeting attendance is limited to those 18 years of age and older.
Please register for the meeting so we know how many attendees to expect. Further details, final schedule, and maps/driving directions will be sent to all registrants prior to the meeting.
Click here to register
The meeting is graciously sponsored by the Loma Linda Veterans Association for Research and Education and the Loma Linda University Department of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery.