Women's Health Telephone Town Hall

Join the conversation!
If you are a Veteran, or caregiver of a Veteran enrolled in the Zablocki VA Women's Health you are invited to participate in a telephone town hall 4:30-5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, September 10, 2024. The live event will be held over the telephone.
Call in any time during the live event time frame and press *3 to be connected to a screener. The screener will add your question/comment to the queue. The number is 855.436.3682. You can also listen to the call live via the website access.live/MilwaukeeVA and submit your question online.
No registration required.
Automated calls to join the telephone town hall will be made to enrolled Veterans.
To contact Women's Health call 414-384-2000, ext. 45665 or email IAMAFEMALEVETERAN@va.gov