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Native American Training Institute Veterans Symposium Honoring Our Brave Warriors (Isleta Resort & Casino Conference Center)

Veterans, Service Members and Dependents are invited and encouraged to attend this two-day symposium to ensure veterans have access to the many benefits, entitlements and services provided by NM Department of Veterans Services, Veterans Administration and Indian Health Services. Veterans will have the opportunity to voice their issues, concerns and needs directly to government officials, agencies and service providers to make certain their questions are adequately addressed, including: 1. Medical and Health

Veterans, Service Members and Dependents are invited and encouraged to attend this two-day symposium to ensure veterans have access to the many benefits, entitlements and services provided by NM Department of Veterans Services, Veterans Administration and Indian Health Services. Veterans will have the opportunity to voice their issues, concerns and needs directly to government officials, agencies and service providers to make certain their questions are adequately addressed, including: 1. Medical and Healthcare Services: PACT ACT, PTSD, Suicide, Opioid Overdose 2. On-site assistance in filing for VA and State benefits; 3. Entrepreneurship: Business start ups, government contracting, etc.; 4. Vocational training, on-the-job training and other higher education opportunities; 5. Employment services and initiative; 6. Training and certification information for Veteran Service Officers; 7. Program and service opportunities exclusive to Women Veterans; 8. Promote and provide adequate healthc



Isleta Resort & Casino Conference Center

11000 Broadway Blvd SE

Albuquerque, NM



Veterans, Service Members and Dependents are invited and encouraged to attend
this two-day symposium to ensure veterans have access to the many benefits,
entitlements and services provided by NM Department of Veterans Services, Veterans
Administration and Indian Health Services. Veterans will have the opportunity to voice
their issues, concerns and needs directly to government officials, agencies and service
providers to make certain their questions are adequately addressed, including:

1. Medical and Healthcare Services: PACT ACT, PTSD, Suicide, Opioid Overdose
2. On-site assistance in filing for VA and State benefits;
3. Entrepreneurship: Business start ups, government contracting, etc.;
4. Vocational training, on-the-job training and other higher education opportunities;
5. Employment services and initiative;
6. Training and certification information for Veteran Service Officers;
7. Program and service opportunities exclusive to Women Veterans;
8. Promote and provide adequate healthcare needs and transportation services in
rural communities.
Registration is required so that we have an accurate head count for the luncheon.

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