VA Suicide Prevention Poker Run

Follow road signs toward the greenhouse to park bikes in Parking Lot “M”; cars will be directed to Parking Lot “P”
500 Highway 89 North
Prescott, AZ
Pre-registration is encouraged to ensure enough food/refreshments are on hand.
Join Veterans and the community in the 2024 Suicide Prevention Poker Run! Learn how to help those in need with S.A.V.E.
•Arrive at Prescott VA Medical Center 8:00am for registration, follow road signs to park bikes along north side of the flagpole loop in the center of campus; cars will be directed to the parking lot behind bldg. 155
•Kick-Off Ceremony at 8:00am, enjoy breakfast snack and coffee
•Kick Stands Up at 9:00am
•Prizes for High and Low Poker Hands at the end of the ride
•Free Ride Pin and T-Shirt for all who finish the ride
Pre-register at or just show up! (pre-registration is encouraged to ensure enough food/refreshments are on hand)
Need More Information? Call 928-445-4860, EXT 6662