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VA Northern Indiana Celebrates 10 years of the Veteran Justice Outreach Program

Group of Veteran mentors and judge pose for a photo.
Judge Mark Spitzer with Grant County mentors at VA Northern Indiana's Marion campus during a Veteran Justice Outreach Program graduation ceremony.
By Alex Sharpe, Public Affairs Officer

On Thursday, December 15, VA Northern Indiana Health Care System (VANIHCS) celebrated 10 years of the Veteran Justice Outreach (VJO) Program and hosted Grant County’s graduation to recognize the Veterans who have successfully completed their court and treatment plan.

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) began the VJO program in 2009 and in 2011 VANIHCS established their VJO program and has successfully graduated over 30 Veterans.

The VJO Program is a prevention focused component of VA’s Homeless Programs Office, whose goal is to end homelessness among the Veteran population. VA medical centers across the country provide outreach to justice-involved Veterans in various settings, including jails and courts. As of December 2021, VJO specialists report serving over 600 veterans in Veterans Treatment Courts (VTCs).

VJO programs focus on building and sustaining partnerships between the VA and key elements of the criminal justice system. Unlike traditional criminal courts, VTC ensures that the Veterans receive treatment to address unmet clinical needs like mental health and substance abuse. They also incorporate volunteer Veteran mentors who provide non-clinical support to Veteran participants.

“What makes veterans court successful is the team approach.  So many people coming together to work toward the common purpose of helping Veterans regain their lives and sense of purpose,” Mike Henson, Grant County Drug & Veterans Court Coordinator.