Roseburg VA Veteran Town Hall

Veteran town hall
3355 Chad Drive
Eugene, OR
What: Roseburg VA Health Care System (RVAHCS) Veterans Town Hall
Who: RVAHCS leadership will present facility updates for enrolled Veterans and beneficiaries receiving VA care and services
When: Jun 11, 2024
Time: 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Where: Eugene Health Care Center, 3355 Chad Dr., Eugene, OR 97408
Can't attend in person? Join us online via Microsoft Teams:
The Roseburg VA Health Care System cordially invites all Veterans, their family members, and stakeholders to a Veterans Town Hall. This will be an open dialogue forum to update enrolled Veterans and beneficiaries about Veteran care and will allow the Veterans we serve an opportunity to be heard and have their questions answered.
Absolutely no discussion(s) regarding personal health care matters will be allowed during the Veterans Town Hall to ensure individual medical privacy is safeguarded. Veterans wishing to discuss personal health care matters are encouraged to speak with their Patient-Aligned Care Teams (PACT), the Patient Advocates Office (541-440-1000, Ext. 41206), or the Veterans Experience Officer (458-205-7821). Those wishing to attend virtually may need to access and download third-party applications on their mobile device or computer. © Microsoft Teams is a VA-authorized mode of virtual communication; however, it is not owned or secured by VA technologies. All attendees must understand that RVAHCS, Veterans Health Administration, and Department of Veterans Affairs cannot guarantee privacy if a Veteran voluntarily discloses personal information, including but not limited to personally identifiable information, personal health care details, location, or Veteran status or other information protected by Federal Law(s); however, no VA representative or moderator will ask for any of the above information via non-secure means.
Media: The Veterans Town Hall is open to the media. Media interested in attending may contact the Public Affairs Office at; 541-440-1000, Ext. 43026.