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In 2025, you’ll need to use a or account to sign in to all VA websites and apps, including My HealtheVet. If you don’t have one of these accounts yet, we encourage you to create one now. Sunset Dates: My HealtheVet sign-in option after March 4; DS Logon option after September 30. 

Never Forget Tribute breakfast [External Event]

Join Veterans Bridge Home for a special Veterans coffee event honoring post 9/11 service members, Veterans, and first responders.



Richard Childress Racing

425 Industrial Dr.

Welcome, NC



Join Veterans Bridge Home for a special Veterans coffee event honoring post 9/11 service members, Veterans, and first responders.

With guest speaker, MSG Kevin Holland, U.S. Army retired, Kevin served both Navy SEALS, Naval Special Warfare DEVGRU, and the Army's 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment.

Be our guest at this special 9/11 event thanks to our sponsors Richard Childress Racing and Veterans Bridge Home.

RSVP and find more information here:

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