Mantram Repetition for Rapid Relaxation

Fall 2024 Course Now Enrolling!
Conference Room 2011 (2 North)
3350 La Jolla Village Drive
San Diego, CA
Pre-registration is required. Call and leave a message, 858-642-3443.
Learn Mantram for clear mindedness and symptom management!
Course consists of 5-6 weekly meetings, 1.5 hours per week.
This program is for you, if you:
- want to improve your ability to cope with daily hassles of ordinary life,
- reduce stress, prevent workplace burnout.
- are in recovery from drugs/alcohol use.
- are suffering from a chronic or life-threatening illness (such as diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, cancer, HIV/AIDS).
- want to learn to rapidly shift your focus.
This program is NOT for you, if you:
- are currently abusing drugs/alcohol.
- have psychotic symptoms such as hearing voices, feeling paranoid.
- have a diagnosis of dementia or severe loss of memory.
- are looking for a “quick fix” and don’t really want to change.