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Prescription Drug Take Back Day

hands with various medications, pills, capsules

Disposal of any unused and expired prescription



Also at the VA Clinics in Chula Vista, Kearny Mesa, and Oceanside

3350 La Jolla Village Drive

San Diego, CA



Public members can now dispose of expired prescriptions, including controlled substances, at several VA San Diego Healthcare System (VASDHS) locations during VA Medication Take Back Day on Friday, October 25, from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.

VA is aligning with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), welcoming non-Veterans to its health facilities across the nation for safe and secure drug disposal on designated dates during the year. Any public member is welcome, whether or not they are affiliated with Veterans or VA.

VASDHS is pleased to welcome Veterans and non-Veterans for our public VA Take Back Day. Drug disposal can occur at the Jennifer Moreno Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center and the VA Clinics in Chula Vista, Kearny Mesa, and Oceanside.

All four locations will distribute self-mail back envelopes to collect unneeded medications. Take Back Day is the result of legislation signed into law by President Biden on July 29, 2021. The Dispose of Unused Medications and Prescription (DUMP) Opioids Act requires the VA to establish designated periods when Veterans and non-veterans can dispose of opioids and other controlled substance medications at covered VA facilities. A covered facility is a VA medical facility with an onsite pharmacy and a physical location dedicated to law enforcement purposes.

Civilians who can’t participate in VA Take Back Day can use DEA’s Public Disposal Locations Search Tool to find year-round collection sites. DEA holds Take Back Days twice yearly, on the last Friday or Saturday in April and October.

Veterans enrolled for VA care can bring expired and unused medications to their VA site of care for disposal at any time by contacting their local VA Police Service or VA Pharmacy.

For more information, contact the VA San Diego Police at (858) 642-3931.

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