Harlingen VA Outpatient Clinic Blood Drive

Give blood, saves lives. Tuesday, August 20 at Harlingen VA Outpatient Clinic from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm.
Parking lot
2106 Treasure Hills Boulevard
Harlingen, TX
Full event description
Roll Up Your Sleeve at Harlingen VA Outpatient Clinic on
Friday, August 20 from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
ID required.
Here in the Rio Grande Valley, we have seen Veterans and others stepping up in extraordinary ways to support their neighbors. To help do our part, VA Texas Valley Coastal Bend at Harlingen VA Outpatient Clinic is partnering with Vitalant to host a blood drive on Friday, August 20, from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm to support our community.
Our blood drive is part of an effort by VA medical facilities across the country to respond to the ongoing national need for blood. Volunteer donors are the only source of lifesaving blood to help treat trauma and chronic illness. You can help save three lives with just one donation.
As leaders in Veteran's health care community, we have an obligation to step forward to offer this support for the greater good. It also helps ensure that we are better able to support Veterans who may need blood or blood products in the near term.
If you are healthy, we encourage you to visit https://donors.vitalant.org/dwp/portal/login to schedule an appointment to donate.
We look forward to having you roll up your sleeve with VA employees and America’s Veterans to meet the country’s blood needs. To join the conversation and show your support, share your photo donating blood and use #RollUpYourSleeveVA on your social media. Together, we can make a difference.