Women's Health Focus Group
Join our November Women's Health Focus Group!
Building 145-Liberty Center
3701 Loop Road East
Tuscaloosa, AL
Attend either in person or via the Microsoft Teams link below
The Women's Health Focus Group is a group interview for Women Veterans to answer questions about Tuscaloosa VAMC women's health care. Ideas and suggestions from this group are considered for implementation to add to the Women Veterans' experiences at Tuscaloosa VAMC.
Some suggestions from the Women Veterans that have been completed:
1. Have a more inclusive entry to Tuscaloosa VAMC, 2. Add a beautician for women Veterans who live at the facility. 3. Include a Spiritual Group for Women Veterans.
Please join us and provide your input by:
- Teams: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ODg0ZmI4NzYtOTQ4OC00YTkxLTllNTEtNmMwZWExYjBlZGFj%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22e95f1b23-abaf-45ee-821d-b7ab251ab3bf%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%225e920224-0c49-4d11-ad0a-6f6dc63c247c%22%7d
- phone: Toll number: +1 872-701-0185 Conference ID: 599 436 24#
- In-Person: Liberty Center BLDG 145 (Follow the Women's Health Event" signs coming in at the Loop Rd entrance.
For more information contact:
Faith Walker, LCSW Women Veterans' Program Manager
205.5547032 or Bettina.Walker@va.gov