Community Resource Reference Guide
This resource page serves as a bridge between the Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center and our coalition partners, in our collective commitment to enhance accessibility to resources and care coordination for service members, Veterans and their families.
National Crisis Line

If you, a friend or loved one who has served in the military and are in need of support, the Veterans Crisis Line (988 press 1) is a 3-digit number that provides confidential support 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.
- Call 988, Press 1 for Veterans
- Text 988, Enter 1
- Veterans Crisis Line
VA Mobile Applications
Mobile applications offer Veterans, their families and caregivers the opportunity to actively facilitate through VA Mobile apps. You may create your own personalized list of apps for health and wellness or share with someone you know.
VA Eligibility/Enrollment
Veteran Affairs offers a comprehensive array of services. Veterans who meet specific criteria may gain access to services, to include primary or specialty care services, mental health care, disability compensation, pension, prescription care giver support, long term care facilities and death benefits. In addition, eligible Veterans may receive assistance with education benefits, insurance and home loans.
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To learn more about what you may qualify for, view the options below:
- Online, In Person, By Phone, or with the support of a trained professional (attorney, claims agent or Veteran Services Organization)
- What you will need:
- VA Form 10-10EZ
- Social Security Number, DD214 (or separation documents), Insurance card (if applicable), Gross Household income, Deductible expenses from the previous year
Learn about VA health care benefits and eligibility
Register For Care | VA Houston Health Care | Veterans Affairs
VA Caregiver Support
Caregiver support is an initiative that was established in 2011 to provide family caregivers support for those in need of a minimum of six months of ongoing in-home care. The program also offers access to health and educational resources, in addition to a stipend to eligible Veterans.
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The mission of Caregiver Support is to provide services that promote the health and wellbeing of the Nations Veterans. The program has specific eligibility criteria. Services include coaching, peer-mentoring, group support, telephone support, self-care and referrals for VA services.
- Services include coaching, peer-mentoring, group support, telephone support, self-care and referrals for VA services.
- Eligibility requirements can be found by clicking this link
Caregiver Support | VA Houston Health Care | Veterans Affairs
Returning Service Member Care
Serves as a transition program for those returning from service, even if you are still on active duty or an active member of the reserve or guard.
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Services include:
- Polytrauma Rehabilitation Mental Health Counseling
- Family Benefits Counseling Referral Assistance
Returning Service Member Care | VA Houston Health Care | Veterans Affairs
The Comprehensive Prevention Access To Care & Treatment (COMPACT) act provides Veterans who are experiencing a suicidal crisis, that is verified by a trained health care provider, with the option to go to any VA or non-VA facility and be seen for FREE for up to 30 days for an in-patient stay and up to 90 days of outpatient services.
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- The VA will provide the treatment or cover the costs for treatment including transportation, inpatient or crisis residential care for up to 30 days, and outpatient care for up to 90 days
- Eligibility Requirements:
- Those who were discharged or released from active duty after more than 24 months of active service under conditions other than dishonorable.
- Former members of the armed forces, including reserve service members, who served more than 100 days under a combat exclusion or in support of a contingency operation either directly or by operating an unmanned aerial vehicle from another location who were discharged under conditions other than dishonorable.
- Former members of the armed forces who were the victim of a physical assault of a sexual nature, a battery of a sexual nature, or sexual harassment while serving in the armed forces.
Important NOTE: If a Veteran receives a bill for emergency suicide care related care at a VA medical facility, they should contact their local VA patient advocate and ask for a clinical review with an appropriate provider. Veterans can also contact the number on their bill to initiate this process.
SQUARES - VA Homeless Programs
Status Query & Response Exchange System (SQUARES) is a web application that allows external systems (hospitals, police, courts, jails) local and state entities with the ability to gather detailed information about a Veterans eligibility. External entities to the VA must apply and have a POC to serve as their Grantee.
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- Users will have the ability to enter specific data (name, date of birth, social security number & gender)
- External entities to the VA must apply and have a point of contact to serve as their grantee
Patient Advocates
If you are experiencing challenges that you have been unable to resolve by talking with your care team, the patient advocates at the Houston VA are specially trained to support you in exploring solutions that align with quality care.
Patient Advocates | VA Houston Health Care | Veterans Affairs
Medical Support
Clinical Contact Center
Serves as a 24/7 365 call center that is that will allow veterans to speak with a registered nurse who will triage symptoms and provide guidance/recommendations regarding reported health concerns. Veterans can also speak to triage staff about confirm, schedule, re-schedule, and cancel appointments.
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Pharmacy staff available: Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Housing Assistance
Housing & Urban Development, VA Supportive Housing, commonly referred to as HUD-VASH is a collaborative program that pairs HUD’s Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) rental assistance with VA case management and supportive services. These services are designed to help homeless Veterans and their families obtain permanent housing and access the health care, mental health treatment, and other supports necessary to help them improve their quality of life and maintain housing over time.
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National Call Center for Homeless Veterans
If you are a Veteran who is homeless or at imminent risk of becoming homeless, call the National Call Center for Homeless Veterans at (877) 4AID-VET
Housing & Urban Development Veteran Affairs
A collaborative program that assists Veterans and their families with locating permanent housing. Those enrolled in the program are linked with a case manager who also provides assistance with accessing health care and mental health.
- Community Resource & Referral Center Phone:
- Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. p 3:30 p.m.
- 1700 Webster Street, Houston, Texas
Services: Housing, Health & Mental Health Care to include shower, laundry and support for food insecurities
Secure Storage

The central theme of secure storage is to increase time and distance between a a person and objects that may be used when someone is experiencing a suicidal crisis.
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Lethal means may include: alcohol, firearm, medications, opioids, ropes, sharp objects
Storage options:
- Cable lock: A simple device that serves as a barrier. You can request a gun lock from the suicide prevention coordinator (SPC) at your local VA medical facility.
- Lockbox or gun safe: This method serves to conceal and protect weapons. Locking the safe with an external device is recommended, as a step for added security.
- Electronic lockbox or biometric safe: Accessed with the use of a personal code, fingerprint or biometric identifier.
Firearm Suicide Prevention & Lethal Means Safety - REACH (
Intimate Partner Violence Assistance Program (IPVAP)
The mission is to utilize a comprehensive person-centered, and recovery oriented assistance program for Veterans, their families and Caregivers and VHA employees who use or experience intimate partner violence.
IPVAP Resources
- Houston VA IPVAP resources
- National VA IPVAP resources
- National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-
Houston VA Locations
Houston VA provides health care services to Veterans at 13 locations in southeast Texas.
Community Based Outpatient Clinic Services
Available at all clinics: Primary Care, Laboratory Testing, Mental Health, Social Work, Telehealth, Toxic Exposure Screenings
Available at select clinics: Audiology and Speech, Optometry, Orthopedics, Chiropractic, Neurology, Physical Therapy, Radiology, Podiatry
VA Training Offerings
To request training, please send email to with the requested information below.
Military Cultural Competence Training
- POC Name, Phone, Email, Target Audience, Size of Target Audience
- Calendar for Desired Training Dates
- Calendar should be limited to 6 month intervals
- Please allow at least 30 days
Trauma Affected Veterans Course
- POC Name, Phone, Email, Target Audience, Size of Target Audience
- Calendar for Desired Training Dates
- Calendar should be limited to 6 month intervals
- Please allow at least 30 days
VA S.A.V.E. (Suicide Prevention)
- POC Name, Phone, Email, Target Audience, Size of Target Audience
- Calendar for Desired Training Dates
- Calendar should be limited to 6 month intervals
- Please allow at least 30 days