Nursing Research Spotlight
Fulfilling the Mission

Julius Kehinde, PhD, RN, Chief Nurse for Research and Evidence-Based Practice at Bay Pines VAHCS, chose a system wide approach to his clinical research on patient safety, beginning with fall prevention among older adults living in nursing homes and VA community living centers. See additional information

Judy Carlson, EdD, APRN, FNP, BCN, studies the efficacy of neurofeedback in improving post-concussive symptoms of insomnia, chronic headaches and attention disorders in Veterans who have experienced a concussion. See additional information

Sarah Krein, PhD, RN, received the 2019 Distinguished Scientist Award from the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC). The honor recognizes those who have made outstanding contributions to the science of infection prevention and control. See additional information

Monica DiNardo, PhD, ARNP, CDE, developed a brief stress management intervention known as Mind-STRIDE (Mindful Stress Management In Diabetes Education), which contains mindfulness training and home practice to augment more traditional diabetes teaching. See additional information
Nurse Researcher Webinars
Bimonthly calls ~ 3rd Thursday ~ 11 - 12 noon ET (Jan, Mar, May, July, Sep, Nov)Presentation resources for VA staff are available on the ONS Research Intranet site at: