Office of Acquisition and Logistics (OAL)
Acquisition Policy Flash! 24-03

Rescission of Acquisition Policy Flash! 16-13, Use of VA Handbook 6500-6, Appendix A, Checklist for Information Security in VA Service Acquisitions
Purpose: To notify the VA acquisition workforce (AWF) that Acquisition Policy Flash! 16-13 is being rescinded in its entirety.
FAR parts referenced: Not Applicable.
Effective Date: October 27, 2023.
Background: VA is currently revisiting the personnel security policies for VA AWF compliance. Acquisition Policy Flash! 16-13, as written, focused primarily on the needs of VA Handbook 6500.6, Contract Security, and not VA’s overarching security policy. In addition, the Office of Information Technology is revising Handbook 6500, and the requirements in Acquisition Policy Flash! 16-13 may contradict the revised Handbook 6500.
Applicability: This Acquisition Policy Flash applies to all VA contracting officers who must consider VA’s security policies in their solicitations and contracts.
Action Required: VA AWF must ensure their solicitations and contracts account for all VA’s overarching security policy, to include, but not limited to the following:
- VA Handbook 6500.6, Contract Security, including coordination with all members of the local VA Acquisition Team to complete the 6500.6 checklists (i.e. Appendix A, etc.);
- VA Directive 0710, Personnel Security and Suitability Program;
- VA Handbook 0710, Personnel Security and Suitability Program;
- VAAR 804.1303, Contract Clause Requiring Compliance with Personal Identity Verification of Contractor Personnel; and
- VAAR 804.1970, Information Security Policy – Contractor General Responsibilities.
Additional Information: Direct any questions to the Office of Acquisition and Logistics (003A), Procurement Procurement Policy and Warrant Management Service (003A2A) at