ACHV At-A-Glance
About Us | At-A-Glance | Member Bios | Ex Officio Bios | Annual Reports | Resource Links | POCs
Brief Description | The Committee provides advice to the Secretary, through the Executive Director, Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Homeless Veterans Programs Office, on issues related to the needs of homeless Veterans; provides ongoing assessment of the effectiveness of the policies, organizational structures, and services of VA in assisting homeless Veterans; and provides ongoing advice on the most appropriate means of providing assistance to homeless Veterans. Secretary’s Message to Advisory Committees |
Governance | Charter VA Committee Handbook |
Terms of Appointment | 2-Year Terms |
Membership | ACHV Members (Bios), ACHV Ex Officio Members (Bios) Roles and Responsibilities |
Chair | Brandon Wilson (Bio) Roles and Responsibilities |
Vice Chair | Ann Oliva (Bio) Roles and Responsibilities |
Designated Federal Officer (DFO) | Anthony Love, VHA Homeless Programs Roles and Responsibilities |
Alternate DFO | Leisa Davis, VHA Homeless Programs Roles and Responsibilities |
Roles and Responsibilities
The Committee Chair is a member of the committee selected by the appointing authority or identified in the authorizing statute. The Chair presides at all meetings of the committee, makes sure the agenda is adhered to as closely as possible, ensures public participation, and certifies (or signs) the accuracy of meeting minutes within 90 days of the meeting. The Chair ensures that all rules of order and conduct are maintained during meetings. If the Chair must leave the meeting due to a conflict of interest, that individual appoints either another committee member or the DFO to preside. When a committee member(s) may not participate in committee discussions due to a conflict of interest situation, the Chair ensures that the member(s) physically leaves the room and does not participate. View the ACHV Chair's Bio. View the ACHV Vice Chair's Bio.
Special Government Employee (SGE)
An SGE is a private citizen or an individual appointed based on expertise that will contribute to the committee's objectives. As defined in 18 U.S.C. § 202, an SGE is an officer or employee who is retained, VA Committee Member Handbook 7 designated, appointed, or employed to perform temporary duties, with or without compensation, for not more than 130 days during any period of 365 consecutive days. SGEs must review and comply with the standards of ethical conduct for employees of the executive branch. Federally registered lobbyists may not be appointed or reappointed as SGEs. View the ACHV Bios.
Ex-Officio Member
An Ex-Officio Member is a Federal official who represents his or her agency and possesses expertise in a subject matter related to the committee’s objectives. Ex-Officio Members have full voting rights unless otherwise stated in the charter or the committee’s authorizing legislation. View the Ex-Officio Member Bios.
Designated Federal Officer
- Manage day-to-day Federal advisory committee operations;
- Approve or call committee meetings;
- Attend all committee and subcommittee (or workgroups) meetings; and approve meeting agenda;
- Ensure minutes are certified by VA Committee Chair within 90 days after the meeting;
- Ensure records are maintained and available for public inspection;
- Be responsible for all fiduciary duties associated with managing their assigned committee
Alternate Designated Federal Officer
- Perform duties of the DFO in his/her absence for the committee/subcommittee meetings;
- Perform duties as issued by the DFO and/or his/her agency leadership to accomplish the mission
- Provide direct support to the committee, as provided in the Charter;
- Provide assistance during the planning phase of the committee preparation when a decision must be made to commit the agency to specific courses of action

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Veterans who are homeless or at risk of homelessness can call or visit their local VA Medical Center (VAMC) and ask for a Homeless Coordinator. Use the VA locator tool to find your nearest VAMC and call or visit today.