Grant and Per Diem Program
NEW! FY2026 Case Management NOFO
FY2026 Case Management Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) published 12/18/2024
Read the press release here
Grant Applicant Resources
- FY2026 Case Management NOFO Webinar
- Sample Case Management Letter of Coordination
- FY2024 Case Management Award List (December 2024)
- Electronic Grants Management System (eGMS) Login Page
- How-to: Add or Update Contacts in eGMS
- How-to: Upload Indirect Cost Rate Agreement in eGMS
- Application for Federal Assistance (SF-424) (NOTE: please be sure to open the newest version of the SF-424 on Once you have selected the most current PDF link, you must save the document to your computer first, and then open the document from the saved location and click Enable All Features)
- Instructions for SF-424
- Certification of De Minimis Indirect Cost Rate
- Indirect Cost Rate Guide
- SAM Financial Assistance General Certifications and Representations
- GPD Regulations (38 CFR part 61.0)
- Max Service Intensive Transitional Housing (SITH) Bed Calculator
Program Description
VA's Grant and Per Diem (GPD) Program is offered annually (as funding permits) by the Department of Veterans Affairs to fund community agencies providing services to Veterans experiencing homelessness. The purpose of the transitional housing component of the program is to promote the development and provision of supportive housing and services with the goal of helping homeless Veterans achieve residential stability, increase their skill levels and/or income, and obtain greater self-determination. Additionally, the GPD Program offers Case Management grants to support housing retention for Veterans who were previously homeless and are transitioning to permanent housing.
Operational costs, including salaries, may be funded by the per diem component. For supportive housing, the maximum amount payable under the per diem is $71.53 per day per Veteran housed. Veterans in supportive housing may be asked to pay rent if it does not exceed 30% of the Veteran's monthly-adjusted income. In addition, "reasonable" fees may be charged for services not paid with per diem funds. The maximum hourly per diem rate for a service center not connected with supportive housing is 1/8 of the daily cost of care, not to exceed $8.94 per hour. Payment for a Veteran in a service center will not exceed 8 hours in any day.
Applications are only accepted in response to a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) published in Funds will be awarded to programs determined to be the most qualified. Chelsea Watson is the director of the GPD Program. Ms. Watson and the GPD team may be contacted via email at
GPD Grants & Funding Fact Sheet
Access our GPD Fact Sheet here to learn more.
GPD Works! Success Stories
Feature Article:
- How VA's Grant and Per Diem Program Reduces Long-Term Homelessness Among Veterans
Good News Stories:
- How GPD Has Evolved to Meet Veterans’ Needs - VA Homeless Programs
- “I only dreamed of this.” VA program finds Veteran Lorenzo Campbell a home - VAntage Point
- VA and Volunteers of America help Veteran Robert Irvin go from homeless to home - VAntage Point
- Army Veteran finds employment and housing in months thanks to HUD-VASH - VAntage Point
Active GPD Awards
Special Need Award List(August 2024)
Per Diem Only (PDO) Award List (December 2024)
Transition In Place (TIP) Award List(December 2024)
Case Management Award List(December 2024)
Capital Grant Awards List(Published March 2022)
Capital Grant Awards List(Published August 2021)
Helpful Resources *
Federal Register *
Electronic Uniform Administrative Requirements (2 CFR part 200) *
GPD Provider Webpage
eGMS Login Page *
Other Sites of Interest
Housing & Urban Development (HUD) *
HUD Veteran Homelessness Program Resources *
Health & Human Services (HHS) *
Social Security Administration (SSA) *
Department of Labor (DOL) *
SAMHSA Homelessness Programs and Resources *
National Coalition for Homeless Veterans *
National Law Center *
United States Department of Justice *
State Side Legal *
*Links will take you outside of the Department of Veterans Affairs website. VA does not endorse and is not responsible for the content of the linked websites.

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Veterans who are homeless or at risk of homelessness can call or visit their local VA Medical Center (VAMC) and ask for a Homeless Coordinator. Use the VA locator tool to find your nearest VAMC and call or visit today.